Sunday, April 17, 2011


 Sunset Crater lava flows.  Like sand in your shoes.  Oh great:)
 Pat looking down from the Lenox Crater.  7529 ft above sea level.
He's flying!!!
 Flat Stanley atop Lenox Crater, a cinder cone volcano.  Cinder cone volcanoes are formed when lava of a high viscosity erupts from the earth and cools in the air as small "cinders" before falling to the ground.  These cinders pile up at the base of the eruption site and form a cinder cone volcano.
 Pat holding a log.  His "club"?????
 Mr. Heath's long lost brother educating us on Sunset Crater.
 Sunset Crater
 Ruins of the Wupatki Tribe.
 Dorian having his hair blown around by the blow hole at the Wupatki site.  See Mrs. Ferguson for more details in class:)
 Look in his glasses and you can see the vent that the cool breeze is coming from.  More actual pictures of Tom's to be added Monday.
 Our friend the rattlesnake.  Almost got Zach, but had it for dinner after Pat hit it with his club.
 The sassy cow.
 Phoenix, AZ
 All on Lenox Crater
 Cinders spread across the trail from the Cinder Cone Volcano.


  1. Tomorrow starts the ASU stuff. Which way was better, business then fun, or fun then business? Was that a real cow? He looks like a statue. He is posing for the camera. Where was that rattlesnake? Was he in a cage or you just came upon him? I like the little lizard guy from yesterday, but not the snake. Continue to have fun. Flat Stanley sure is enjoying himself.

  2. Good thing Pat was there with his club, but rattlesnake for dinner, really?? What a wonderful trip. Dorian really you need a haircut, but it definitely exemplifies the effects of the vent. How did Flat Stanly "defy gravity" ? Whoever the photographer is I got to say the photos are fantastic!!

  3. Wow, picture overload! What is up with "Flat Stanley" anyways? His pictures and captions are quite amusing...It looks like you guys fit in a lot in 3-4 days, grand canyon, crater, route 66...What is with the rattlesnake? Was it caged up? Must have. And the cow, where was that? Haha, I think it's time Dorian gets a haircut as "ksblog" said... Well have fun checking out ASU, The weather in Syracuse has been awful, rain pretty much every day all day, and cold! High 30's, to High 40's, talk about a winter that never ends. One last question, has the weather there been unusually warmer? I haven't been checking the national weather, but I heard it is warmer down there than normal for late april.

  4. Are the parents supposed to meet the kids at the airport when they come back to NY ? I don't think I ever totally understood that.

  5. Yes, please pick the kids up at the airport.
